For over six years, Here for Good has been at the forefront of protecting and championing
the rights of European citizens and their families. In the face of systemic and political
pressure, we are proud to have built a charity that is dedicated to its mission, collaborative
with its partners, and focused on driving meaningful change for its beneficiaries.

In the last two and a half years, we have expanded our services to support migrants facing
urgent and emerging legal issues. We were amongst the first organisations to launch a
Ukraine advice scheme following Russia’s invasion; and our Afghan strategic legal project
has been focused on creating positive systemic change to the Afghan Relocations and
Assistance Policy (ARAP).

None of this would have been possible without the hard work and belief of so many.
Our staff and volunteers continue to go above and beyond the call of duty. Their work – in
recent years, often dehumanised and delegitimised by politicians and in the press – makes a
tangible difference to the lives of our beneficiaries.

Our partners, from grassroots NGOs to international law firms, have stood alongside us for
years. Their support and commitment to shared values have motivated us to keep fighting
for the change we want to see.

Our funders have empowered us to deliver innovative and diverse programmes over the
years. Their patience and counsel have made it possible for Here for Good to thrive since we
founded back in 2018.

And, most importantly, our clients have demonstrated enormous trust in our ability to
safeguard their rights and livelihoods. Putting your faith in another person takes a huge
amount of courage, and we are grateful to every individual who has given us the opportunity
to make a difference.

The funding and immigration landscapes are changing in the UK. After many years of hard,
often voluntary, work, now is a chance for us to reassess Here for Good’s role and
responsibilities in the sector. During this period, the Trustees have reluctantly decided to
enter a period of dormancy.

This will include pausing taking on new cases and transferring the management of the Here
for Good SAFE Project to Wilsons Solicitors. We will ensure that all cases we have already
taken on are concluded to the exceptionally high standards expected of us; and we
optimistically anticipate the outcome of our High Court challenge.

However, we have always said that charities should be in the business of going out of
business. While we know that the need for high quality, strategic legal services remains at
an arguably all-time high – across EUSS, Ukraine, ARAP, and other emerging crises – we
are equally certain that this will only be achieved with sustainable, long-term solutions.

Entering dormancy will give us the time to think strategically and critically about how Here for
Good can rise to meet the challenges of the next five to ten years.

So, while we think to the future, we reflect on the past; and thank all those who have
supported us in empowering migrants to stay Here for Good.